CPE Kenya

CPE with Supervisor Dr. Byeong


2022: August- 2023, July. Training for S.I.T planned (Kenya)
2022: Feb-July. Training Advanced CPE (Kenya)
2022: Jan-Feb. Training CPE at Melvin University (Kenya)
2018: CPE Supervisor, The Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training (USA)
2017: Training CPE in Nagaland (India)
1995: Taught CPE in Sungkyul University (Korea)
1991: CPE Advanced at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital (Canada)
1990: CPE Basic at Oxford Regional Center (Canada)

Supervisor/Dr. Byeong
Rev. Byeongchea Seo
SungKyul University, Korea (B.A)
McMaster University, Canada (M.Div)
Methodist Graduate School, Korea (Th.M)
Graduate Theological Foundation, USA (Ph.D)
Yale University, USA (Divinity, postdoc., 2006)
Oxford University, UK (Wycliffe, postdoc., 2012)
President of Melvin University, Oyugis Kenya (sine 2021)

CPE Basic, Oxford Regional Center (ORC Wookstock, Canada 1990)
​CPE Advanced, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital (WPH Whitby, Canada 1991)
CPE Supervisor, The Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training (ICPT USA, 2018)

Member of Canadian Assoication for Pastoral Education (Canada 1991)
Taught CPE with Pastor Care at Sungkyul University ​(Korea, 1996)
Associate Member for Canadian Spirital Care (Canada, 2017)
Member of Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (USA, 2017)
Member of Association for Pastoral Supervision (UK, 2017)
SIT Supervisor- in- Training (ACCC USA, 2017)
CPE Supervised in PIS (Nagaland India, 2017)
CPE Supervisorship, The Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training (ICPT USA, 2018)

Certification as a Clinical Pastoral Education SUPERVISOR
The Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training certifies Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisors. CPE Supervisors are a privileged few who are selected to conduct accredited programs in Clinical Pastoral Education because of their committment to the program and their adherence to the high standards set by ICPT.

Headquarter: Melvin University (www.melvinuniv.org)

Rev. Byeongchea Seo Supervisor
MELVIN CPE CENTER (in Melvin University)
President of Melvin University

John Ogillah Director of ACPEK
Vice Chancellor of Melvin University
President of Blue Nile Melvin (Incorporated)

Jacob Ongala Owiti Associate of ACPEK
Programs Facilitator
Working with stakeholders on establishment of Melvin University
Focusing on planning and overseeing all aspects to meet the University establishment
Facilitating designation of Melvin University
Founding and Presiding Bishop of Victory International Church in Kenya

Pastor Willis Okoth Onyango Leader
OYUGIS CPE CENTER (Oyugis downtoiwn)
Tel +254 704 996835 (Mr. Willis)
Email: willionyango@gmail.com
Basic : January -February, 2022 (at Melvin University with CPE Kenya)
(Verbatim at EVANS Hospital, Oyugis downtown)

Mrs. Eunice Akoth Obongo Leader
+254 701 259072 (Eunice)
Basic : January -February, 2022 (at Melvin University with CPE Kenya)
(Verbatim at EVANS Hospital, Oyugis downtown)

CPE in Kenya is accredited by The Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training/ICPT (USA 2022). The Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training/ICPT is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET). ACCET is listed by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. 1722 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 USA.

Canadian Spiritual Care (Canada 2017)
Spiritual Care Association (USA 2018)
Association for Pastoral Supervision (UK, 2018)

CPE Centers with Melvin University

Pastor Willis Okoth Onyango
CPE OYUGIS Center (Oyugis Kenya)
Tel +254 704 996835 (Mr. Willis)
Email: willionyango@gmail.com
Pastor at new life ministries Kenya
Mission director at standing in the gap ministries Kenya
Basic : January -February, 2022 (at Melvin University with CPE Kenya)
(Verbatim at EVANS Hospital, Oyugis downtown)
Supervisor: Dr. Byeong (President of Melvin University)

Mrs. Eunice Akoth Obongo
+254 701 259072 (Eunice)
Basic : January -February, 2022 (at Melvin University with CPE Kenya)
(Verbatim at EVANS Hospital, Oyugis downtown)
Supervisor: Dr. Byeong (President of Melvin University)

Center Accreditation
There are two classifications of CPE centers.
The first, an on–site center, is a locally developed center, usually in a health-care facility but it may be anywhere, with a physical location and serves CPE students in that area. The center provides meeting space for the CPE group and is the focal point of the program activity.

The second, a long–distance center may be located anywhere and serves CPE students worldwide. Students usually perform their clinical hours at their current place of ministry.

Both centers operate equally save for the group encounters and supervisory sessions. In the on&line center, these are carried out using electronic means. Supervisors are sensitive to the groups varying abilities to use technology.

Centers may be established by either a Supervisor-in-Training (under the direct supervision of a full CPE Supervisor) or by a full Supervisor. There are a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of twelve (12) students in each CPE unit.

Family Background
Learning Covenant
Role Play
Individual Supervision
Institution Study
Peer Study

(Four approaches)

Basic: one unit (12 weeks/3 months) and final Report
Advanced: two units (24 weeks/6 months) and final Report
Supervisor: three units (48 weeks/12 months) with Major Paper
(SIT: Supervisor-In -Training)

This is the Standard Requirement of CPE Training for all of the Training Centers in the world.

CPE Training Center in Kenya with Melvin will be issuing  the “Certificate of Completion” when you need it. You can use it anywhere in the world.

2022 Group
January-February, 2022
(with EVANS Hospital, Oyugis downtown)
Mr. Willis Okoth Onyango
Mr. Peter Ochieng Otieno
Mrs. Eunice Akoth Obongo