Video from Tom Corbell, LPM USA

The text link above will take you to the video I made for the Opening Ceremony for Melvin University in Kenya, Africa.
I want all of you to know that you have been a part of this international ministry because you embraced or taught the teachings of Melvin J. Steinbron through his book Can The Pastor Do It Alone? I give honor to The Rev. Dr. Beyong Chea for his tireless work in translating Dr. Melvin J. Seinbron’s book into Korea, for going to Kenya to help start Melvin University and the building of the Melvin Chapel. God has used him so mightily!
It is obvious that the international ministry has grown while the ministry in the USA has dwindled for multiple reasons. This biblical truth will always prevail: Isaiah 55:11 (ESV)

11  so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

I made this video at Organ Lutheran Church in Salisbury, NC where I am doing an interim.
God bless each one of you!


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Rev. Thomas W. Corbell

13102 Canterbury Castle Drive
Charlotte, NC 28273
Intentional Interim at Organ Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NC
Supply Pastor
Prepare/Enrich Counselor
ostered NALC/LCMC