
Pastor  John Owidi  Ogila Vice-Chancellor
B.A in Theology and religious studies from Daystar University (2013)
M.A in Christian Ministry, Daystar University (2016)
Advance Diploma in Bible , Emmaus Bible school
National Director of LPM Kenya
Board of Blue Nile Melvin (Incorporation, 2021-)
Vice Chancellor of Melvin University

Melvin University in Kenya. Our motto is Via, Veritas, Vita – the Way, the Truth and the Life.

As academics, we believe in pursuing truth wherever it leads. We aim at the most rigorous thinking, teaching and research. It is our experience that people are crying out for depth, and we want both to give that to our students and to equip them to provide it to others.

‘The Way’ was an early term for the Christian Faith. As followers of that Way, we believe that all truth will ultimately lead to, because all truth comes ultimately from, Jesus Christ. We are therefore a worshipping community and a missional community – our worship and our mission being enriched and enlarged by an understanding of God that has been deepened by our studies. We train women and men for ministries of every kind, including ordained ministry in the church of Kenya.

In our life together as a community, we enjoy getting to know one another, from a vast range of different backgrounds and contexts – and we long to attract, welcome and celebrate an ever-greater diversity. We try to support one another and to be enriched by the different gifts and experiences of others. We enjoy the arts and sport and other leisure activities together.